Technical Approval
Serving quality in the construction sector
Supporting innovation
Big or small, innovations can have a significant impact on making the sector more competitive, but we do not want construction sites to be a real-time lab for testing new ideas. The construction sector needs support to use innovations with confidence. The UBAtc supports construction players by promoting the development of innovations, their access to the market and their acceptance by users.
Indeed, technical approval is mainly aimed at products which are not traditional, which are used in systems which are not traditional or which are installed, executed, incorporated or assembled using techniques or equipment that are not traditional.
Enhancing the reliability and credibility of innovative products:
Technical Approvals are a visible means of differentiating a product in the market and aims at giving confidence to specifiers, architects and designers and installers and assemblers.
Improving the general level of quality and performance in construction
Every client pursues the same objective: that his investment meets the expected performance and that it is sustainable. To do this, he wishes to work with competent and reliable partners (architects, designers and contractors) and use products and systems with the expected performance, so that the structure in which they are integrated offers adequate stability, safety in the event of fire, cleanliness and safety of use, sufficient acoustic and thermal comfort, that it is durable, has the least (negative) impact on the environment and that it presents a certain aesthetic quality.
The Technical Approval is issued on the basis of a thorough analytical examination by experts on the basis of a study of documents, an evaluation by tests or verification by calculations, site visits, an evaluation of references, audits or any other appropriate verification during which attention is paid to all elements that have a bearing on regulatory compliance and influence the fitness for use.
The different types of technical approvals
Over time, responding to the particular needs of the stakeholders in the sector, the UBAtc has developed different forms of technical approvals:
The Technical Approval is linked to certification of the process and the station.
In addition to the requirements on these basic products, the markings, once applied by a contractor, must however also meet performance requirements during their warranty period.
Given that the behaviour of the markings throughout their service life on the road is highly dependent on the conditions of use and the possible combinations between the different constituents (base product and sprinkling product), it is necessary to be able to assess the durability of the performance of marking systems.
The attestation of suitability for use therefore constitutes a favourable assessment of the durability of the performance of a marking system.
The attestation of suitability for use and the classification are based on a road test programme carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Approval Guide G0025 "Marking systems - Field of road homologation" and NBN EN 1824 and NBN EN 1436 standards.
The ATG-E is limited to the characterization in terms of energy aspects, does not deal with any other technical characteristic and does not express itself on the specific or general fitness for use for the intended use.
As part of the quality surveillance of ATG-E, regular production control of the relevant energy properties of the components will be organized by the manufacturer, supplemented by external surveillance by a certification institute designated by the UBAtc.
The curative treatments, if necessary supplemented by sanitary measures and/or stability reinforcement, must constitute a preventive protection against a new biological deterioration of the treated wood.
A Technical Approval is only issued when the curative treatments are carried out with products for which an ATG has been issued.