Our History

60 years of history...

The technical approval, ATG, was created in 1960 within the National Institute for Housing (NIH) on the basis of the law of 1956 regarding housing. The UBAtc was founded in 1970 by the NIH, with BBRI and SECO as representatives from the construction sector, to issue Technical Approvals for construction products for which no normative framework was available. By the law of 28 December 1984, an extension to Civil Engineering took place. On 17 June 1991, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the Belgian state and its regions, completed on 14 October 1997 by a protocol between the federal and the 3 regional governments and a convention between SECO, OCW and the BBRI. The UBAtc, operating under the Ministry of Economy, became a cooperative organization for the delivery of the voluntary technical approvals, ATG, and the European Technical Approvals that were issued in the framework of the Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).
In 2009, the approval activities were taken over by UBAtc asbl. Since 1 July 2013 European Technical Assessments are being issued in the context of Regulation (EU) N° 305/2011 (the Construction Products Regulation).
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