Abuse of the ATG-mark

Holders of a Technical approval subject their products and systems to an approval and certification process, because they want to inform the Belgian construction sector that the product or system in which the product is being used, is fit for the intended use, is in accordance with the Belgian legislation for construction works and may be installed, incorporated, executed or assembled in accordance with the generally applicable Belgian state of the art and without undue risks.
In addition they permit an independent third party to certify their products, ensuring that the product specified in the technical approval text corresponds with the product that is placed on the Belgian market.

Consequently, technical approval holders may use the ATG-mark on their products, on a label attached to the product, on the packaging of the product or on a commercial document accompanying the product on delivery. Use of this mark must comply with the rules set out in the Regulations governing the use and control of the ATG figurative mark.

The ATG-mark has been protected and the UBAtc and its operators monitor the market, preventing misuse of the ATG-mark. After all, it is necessary to ensure that the investment of technical approval holders is rewarded. We are committed to taking legal action against persons or organizations that misuse the ATG-mark.

In case you want to report alleged misuse of the ATG-mark, we need to receive the following information:

  • In what context did you become aware of the misuse you wish to report (website, product on site, product at a distributor, …)
  • Type of product, the product name, product reference number, etc.
  • Which evidence do you have to support your claim? (this should be enclosed with the e-mail message or letter send to the UBAtc, e.g. photograph, website print screen, product data sheet, …)
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This simple search module allows you to find any information on the site, such as ATG, ETA or content in the pages of the site... All you have to do is enter a keyword, an ATG/ETA reference, a product name, a manufacturer or the domain of application...

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